

講師の先生はヘルスプロモーション推進センター【オフィスいわむろ】代表・医師 岩室紳也 先生で 「思春期のこころと性」についてお話していただきました。




On November 11th, a health lecture was held during long homeroom.

The lecturer was Dr Shinya Iwamuro, representative of the Health Promotion Centre called ‘Office Iwamuro’ and a doctor.
The topic of the lecture was “the adolescent mind and sex”.

He taught about the prevention of covid-19 and sexually transmitted diseases. As well as the importance of relationship with others and
face-to-face communication from the perspective of his various experiences.

His lecture with only one microphone, and light tone of voice drew in students, and the 80 minutes went by very quickly.
Thank you very much, Dr Iwamuro.